@Glenn wrote:
QuickFile Connect is a module within Affinity that provides a number of advertising tools allowing accountants and bookkeepers to promote their own year end accounting services to the QuickFile community. Here are some of the key features of the QuickFile Connect service:
- Set your own pricing, you decide what you want to charge. You can customise the price for different account sizes (e.g. XS, S, M, L & XL).
- No ongoing costs, a referral fee is payable only on paid-up orders
- Provided on the basis that the bookkeeping is up to date for the accounting period.
- Provides a platform for develop long term client relationships.
- Collate customer reviews to help build trust.
Getting Started
Before you can start promoting your year end service on QuickFile you will first need an Affinity account (Register on Affinity here). From your Affinity Dashboard you will see the following option in the top menu to access the Connect Services.
Linking to FindAnAccountant.co.uk
QuickFile have partnered with Find an Accountant to import all the information relating to your accounting practice such as qualifications, expertise, reviews, logo etc. This information is displayed alongside your offer within QuickFile. You can create a free listing on FindAnAccountant.co.uk here.
Once you have a listing on FindAnAccountant.co.uk you can then link it to your QuickFile Affinity account from your FindAnAccountant.co.uk dashboard (see here for further instructions on linking your accounts).
Once your accounts are linked you will see the following on your Connect overview page:
Setting up your preferred payment options
The year end service you promote on QuickFile is purchased directly by the client and paid in full using one of your preferred payment methods. Currently we support any one of the following payment service providers:
- PayPal
- Worldpay
- SagePay
- PaymentSense
You must setup at least one payment option before you can create a new offer. You will find the payment options under Connect >> Configure Payment Options. We’ll also check this for you before you create an offer and link you to this page directly if there are no configured payment options.
Setting up a Direct Debit to QuickFile
QuickFile charge a small referral fee for every paid-up order you receive. The referral fees are explained in more detail here. We use a Direct Debit to collect these fees automatically once an order has been placed.
You can setup a Direct Debit through our payment provider (GoCardless) on the Billing page in Affinity. Don’t worry we’ll check for the presence of a Direct Debit before you create an offer and we’ll link you to the billing page should a Direct Debit authorisation be required.
That’s it, you’re now ready to create your offer!
Creating your Offer
Once you have linked your FindAnAccountant.co.uk listing, configured a payment option and setup a Direct Debit you are now ready to create your offer. Click the button “Create a new year end accounts offer”.
We’ll now perform a few checks to make sure everything covered in the “Getting Started” section has been setup. Following a short intro message, you should then see the following options.
You can now enter your own fee for each account size grading (e.g. XS, S, M, L & XL), if you are VAT registered, exclude any VAT. The account size is sampled from the client’s accounting year for which the accounts need to be filed, rather than the account size at the time of order.
In the adjacent column you will see the referral fee that is payable to QuickFile on when an order has been placed. The NET receivable will show your fee minus the referral fee.
QuickFile will rank the offers available to clients based on price (Ascending), the Position column will show the current position your offer will appear in the search results based on the fee you entered. QuickFile will also show ratings/reviews in your search results allowing prospective clients to also factor in customer experience when making a decision.
Once your offer has been saved it will be instantly visible to any QuickFile users looking for assistance with their accounts. You will see your offer in the main Campaign Manager, from here you can edit, pause or delete your offer.
Impressions and Order Tracking
On the main Campaign Overview screen you will see adjacent to any offers you have made an “impression” and “order” column.
An impression is logged every time a user see’s your offer in the search results, an order is logged when an actual orders is placed and paid for via QuickFile. These figures help you to see how popular your offer is by comparing your impression vs order ratio.
You can also modify your sampling period using the drop down menu above the table.
Referral Fees
QuickFile Connect works on the basis that a referral fee is only payable to QuickFile on confirmation of a paid up order from a prospective client. This means you can list your offer without any upfront or ongoing costs. We would advise anybody to factor in the referral fees to your own fees.
To see a list of current referral fees please click here
In order for your offer to remain visible we there must be an active Direct Debit at all times. Any referral fees are collected only on confirmation that the client has paid in full for the accounting service offered.
Client Pre-Order Checks
Before a QuickFile user can place an order, they must first proceed through a series of initial checks to confirm their opening and closing balances along with all financial activity for the period. These checks are designed to allow the client to confirm that their bookkeeping is up to date and to provide an opportunity to make any final adjustments before placing an order with an accountant.You can find a more detailed breakdown of the pre-order checks here.
What happens when an order is placed?
Whenever an order is placed by a prospective client, we will contact you by email with the details. Ordinarily you will also receive a separate email to confirm receipt of payment from your payment service provider.
Following confirmation of the order we will automatically link the client to your Affinity dashboard, this will then grant you as the accountant full access to the account. It should be noted that additional charges will be incurred (from 4p per day) for as long as the client’s account is linked to your Affinity dashboard. You can find more information on
We will also apply a lock on the client’s accounts up to their accounting year-end date, this is to prevent the client inadvertently changing data for the accounting period that they have submitted.
For all year end orders we will also create a shared Workspace for you and our client. The shared Workspace allows you to conveniently request files for upload, send messages and issue preset questions for collecting payroll information, stock balances and e-filing credentials.
You can find out more about Affinity Workspaces here.
Getting help with QuickFile Connect
We at QuickFile want the process to go as smoothly as possible for both the accountant and end user client. If there is anything we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to post your question on our forum.
If your question relates to anything that is specific to an active order, please send a private message to either of the following users.
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